Big Lake, TX
March 1, 2003 - Big Lake, Texas will kick off the season of Western Jubilees on March 1, 2003. The event will be held in the Regan County Community Building beginning at 7:30PM. Lots of RV spaces are available so come spend the day! Tickets range from $ 2.00 to $ 7.00 and are on sale now at the Chamber of Commerce. Tel: (915) 884-2980
Llano, TX
Contact the Llano Chamber of Commerce for location and tickets! Advanced tickets are recommended due to limited seating. VISA OR MASTERCARD WELCOME! Email: Tel: (325) 247.5354
San Angelo, TX
Historic Fort Concho will host it's fifth season of concerts this year. Shows are scheduled for the third Saturday in May, June, August and September. All shows begin at 7:29PM and are held in the courtyard. For more information call (325) 949-6870.
Cisco, TX - Pending
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